What is Amateur Radio?

Amateur radio is a technical, social and public service hobby that spans the entire world.

Also known as HAM  Radio, this hobby attracts people from all walks of life (kings, famous musicians, your next-door neighbor).

Involvement in amateur radio allows people to practice their public speaking skills and improve their knowledge of radio theory, electronics, and emergency management.

Ham Radio continues to test ideas and forge new ground in practical communications.

The hobby can involve from talking on local-area repeaters with those in the same town, to building a satellite or experimenting with new forms of telecommunications.

The HAM hobbyist can talk to those on the other side of earth with nothing more than a simple High Frequency transceiver and an equally simple wire antenna.
Amateur radio is used in search-and-rescue operations, contests, disaster aid (hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, accidents, fires), and much more.

Amateur radio operators talk with other HAM radio hobbyists using all sorts of communication modes: From Morse Code and voice to Slow Scan Television and computer networking through the radio waves, these hobbyists reach out with goodwill from their homes, cars, boats and outdoors. Some also like to work on electronic circuits, building their own radios and antennas.

Dedicated amateur radio operators have pioneered in new technology, contributing to advances that have impacted the world of communications in all areas of our lives. Even ham-astronauts take radios with them on International Space Station ISS, and make calls to earth.

Getting started in Amateur Radio has never been easier. One way to start is to locate the radio club in your area. Some radio clubs offer ham radio licensing classes, or they can find a club volunteer to answer your questions. You may even be invited to attend a local radio club meeting. Feel free to check out these websites.